Kaypro: 81-149C vs. 81-232

From: Bill/Carolyn Pechter <pechter_at_shell.monmouth.com>
Date: Mon Mar 30 19:55:51 1998

> > That kit was standard issue for DEC, IBM and other Field Service company.
> Indeed. The first one I saw was carried by a DEC field servoid. I ordered
> one soon after...
> > The only stuff it didn't have is metric and bristol spine stuff.
> Odd... Every 99MP kit that I've seen contains the full range of Bristol
> Spline keys..., along with imperial allen hex, imperial nutdrivers,
> phillips screwdrivers (0,1,2), flatblade screwdrivers (4 sizes) and a
> reamer (!).

Looks like DEC custom built their tool boxes without the bristol spline

I added ball-end Allen's to work on TU77s and the metric allen's later.
The ball-end ones are a big plus on getting the stuff like the servo power
amp to break loose of the heat sink compound. (the real trick is having
2 or 3 extensions on 'em.

> -tony


| Bill/Carolyn Pechter | 17 Meredith Drive | Tinton Falls, New Jersey 07724 |
| 908-389-3592 | Save computing history, give an old geek old hardware. |
| pechter_at_shell.monmouth.com |
Received on Mon Mar 30 1998 - 19:55:51 BST

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