Old Data

From: Bill Yakowenko <yakowenk_at_cs.unc.edu>
Date: Tue Mar 31 21:01:38 1998

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998 "Seth J. Morabito" <sethm_at_loomcom.com> wrote:
] I'm curious to know how people deal with old data found on systems
] they rescue/restore.

As one facet of this, we might consider what people would do with
their old systems, if they even got the *impression* that their
private information might be read by a new owner. They might
prefer to totally destroy the machine than to take a risk like

In this respect, the actions of each collector impinges on all of
us; it may take only one publicized breach of privacy to reroute
a lot of old boxes to trash compactors that would have otherwise
gone to collectors. It wouldn't even matter whether it was someone's
personal love letters or a company's records. The impact would be
the same.

With this in mind, I suggest we adopt the common policy of wiping
everything but obvious system software and such. There will always
be the practical matter of determining which is which, but it seems
best for all concerned to religiously respect privacy, irrespective
of whether it is that of an individual or an organization.

Received on Tue Mar 31 1998 - 21:01:38 BST

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