On Wed, 6 May 1998, Tony Duell wrote:
> I think a computer needs to have some kind of 'program' which is
> sequenced in some way, and also conditional branching. That _might_ be
> enough. And I can't think of many non-electronic systems which meet that
> definition, although it's obviously possible to make one with the
> hydraulic/pneumatic gates/flip-flops.
I think Tony just defined the distinction between a simple circuit and a
computer. A computer can act on logic that allows it to conditionally
branch. I'd add that a computer's function can be changed without
physically altering the computer (stored program).
There's a fine distinction between a circuit and a computer and when a
circuit becomes a computer. I for one would not consider a filter to be a
computer despite all the good arguments made here. If I wasn't in sound
bite mode I'd try to elaborate on my opinions. Perhaps another time, or
when somebody responds to this message disputing my definition and
challenges me to do some meaningful research :)
Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Don't blame me...I voted for Satan.
Coming in September...Vintage Computer Festival 2.0
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[Last web page update: 05/03/98]
Received on Wed May 06 1998 - 19:10:43 BST