FW: PDP-11/73 in NJ available

From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_jps.net>
Date: Wed May 6 19:20:11 1998

        I have no clue what this guy considers a 'serious' offer. Maybe
someone on the list can 'offer' to haul it away...? ;-)

        Attachment follows.

-=-=- <snip> -=-=-

On 04 May 1998 01:49:25 GMT, in vmsnet.pdp-11 you wrote:

>>From: rmweiss_at_aol.com (RMWeiss)
>>Newsgroups: vmsnet.pdp-11
>>Subject: pdp11/73 for sale-fully functioning
>>Lines: 6
>>Message-ID: <1998050401492500.VAA29644_at_ladder01.news.aol.com>
>>NNTP-Posting-Host: ladder01.news.aol.com
>>X-Admin: news_at_aol.com
>>Date: 04 May 1998 01:49:25 GMT
>>Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
>>Path: blushng.jps.net!news.eli.net!news.burgoyne.com!news.eecs.umich.edu!newsxfer3.itd.umich.edu!portc01.blue.aol.com!audrey02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
>>located in New Jersey, very recently retired system. stand alone case, 1meg
>>mem,160 meg Fujitsu drive, tape backup, peripherals, etc. Please address any
>>serious offers and questions to Ronny at RMWeiss_at_aol.com or call (800) 526-3192
>>M-F 9-5 EDT.
>>Thanks for your interest.

Bruce Lane, SysOp,
The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fido 1:343/272)
kyrrin {at} j<p>s d[o]t n=e=t
"...No matter how hard we may wish otherwise, our science can only describe
an object, event, or living creature, in our own human terms. It cannot possibly
define any of them!..."
Received on Wed May 06 1998 - 19:20:11 BST

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