Off-topic help request

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Fri May 8 00:22:12 1998

Ok, how come when I'm using a windows95 based telnet client I get all
sorts of wacky-assed errors when I'm using PINE, like "Folder closed due
to access error" and "Folder reduced to 0 bytes" and "error this" and
"error that". Basically stuff I never get when I'm using ProComm Plus.
Why is this? Why is a bug-free telnet session such a chore under Windows?
This is not just with the lame windows telnet either. I thought getting
CRT would clear this up but it happens with that too. What's going on
here? Any help would be greatly apprciated, especially in private e-mail.

Sam Alternate e-mail:
Don't blame me...I voted for Satan.

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Received on Fri May 08 1998 - 00:22:12 BST

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