On Mon, 11 May 1998, Cliff Boyer wrote:
> Hello,
> My my name is Cliff Boyer and I too have a Kaypro 10 problem.
> I think mine is in the power supply. I plug it in and turn it on and nothing
> happens. No lights, beeps, chirps, drives whirling. Nothing!
Likely true.
> I checked fuse on the back panel and it's OK. Is there a fuse on the P/S
> board located on the inside of the back panel?
Yes, there is. It is in a clip on the board.
> The machine was given to me, but I have no disks or manuals. However it is
> in excellent shape. I hope the hard drive is OK.
If you get it operational, e-mail me for disks and some manuals.
> If I cant get this machine going, I hope to get Anthony Clifton's QX-10 so I
> can see what a CP/M computer is like!
> Anyone have any thoughts?
> Cliff
> P.S. Hey Grant, If mine is not fixable, I may have a HD for you!
Don Maslin - Keeper of the Dina-SIG CP/M System Disk Archives
Chairman, Dina-SIG of the San Diego Computer Society
Clinging tenaciously to the trailing edge of technology.
Sysop - Elephant's Graveyard (CP/M) - 619-454-8412
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Received on Mon May 11 1998 - 23:31:50 BST