Everything about Apple ///

From: Sam Ismail <dastar_at_wco.com>
Date: Wed May 13 18:09:50 1998

On Wed, 13 May 1998, ROBERT S. SAMBOLIN wrote:

> If you need anything or need any information about Apple /// (SARA)
> the best place is Washington Apple Pi. They are a group dedicated to all
> apple and mac hardware and software. Mr. Dave Ottalini is the historian
> and librarian for the apple ///. To get help from him or any other
> person ap WAP, you need to join the club.

Thanks! We'll jump right over the the web pa....oh, you didn't post one.
Ok then we'll just call the phone numbe...oops, you didn't give us that
either. Ok, well I guess we'll just have to do it the hard way and write
a letter to...hmmm, no physical address.

Ok, I'll just remain ignorant about my Apple /// I guess.

Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.

                 September 26 & 27...Vintage Computer Festival 2
                   See http://www.siconic.com/vcf for details!
                        [Last web page update: 05/11/98]
Received on Wed May 13 1998 - 18:09:50 BST

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