Desie Hay wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> <>
> Date: Tuesday, 19 May 1998 12:14
> Subject: Re: [Rare systems]
> >Desie Hay wrote:
> >
> >> I dont think anybody ported unix to the Lisa...well it wasnt a commerical
> >> thing....
> >> im not sure on this but if someone knows for sure ill like to hear from
> them
> >>
> >> check out my Lisa web page......
> >
> >Well, there was a Lisa running Unix at OCC '84 (the last) in Anaheim.
> >At least one. At the Apple booth. Since I'd been playing with Xenix
> >(at the Radio Shack Computer Center where I did tech support) for well
> >over a year by then, I was actually not too impressed -- it was far
> >from ready for prime time. But it was definitely Unix. It just wasn't
> >commercial. Especially since Tandy Xenix systems cost a fraction and
> >actually had support (around Los Angeles, that was mostly me -- with
> >some good documentation and a good line to Fort Worth).
> yes ive seen pictures of Garry Kildor with a Lisa at his side...
> They had a version under development but i almost sure they never released
> it.....
Gary Kildall did CP/M, he may have had some relationship with CP/M 68K
for Apple platforms (I don't think so, though he did have some input
into the port to the TRS-80 Model 16), but I seriously doubt that he
had anything to to do with Lisa Unix or the later A/UX for the "real"
Macintoshes. Gary Kildall was _not_ a Unix type, and I can't think of a
way to misspell any name of a Unix god "Garry Kildor".
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_
Received on Tue May 19 1998 - 23:03:43 BST