Hotze wrote:
> Hi. Are these the 286's that Zenith sold by the mass-quadrillions to the US
> Gov't??? If so, they're pretty cool, when you get down to it. CPU's on a
> backplane, they had a 386 upgrade, and even a 486 one, but the 386's didn't
> sell, 486's were only prototypes, from what I can tell.
> By pressing CRL+INS you could get into this WAY COOL Apple II like ROM
> test program. Pleanty of RAM, etc. Trust me, I know. Every single day of
> the week, I USE ONE OF THESE in math class. Cool retro use, don't you
> agree??? It runs WP 5.1, they weren't equipped with Windows, but MS-DOS 5.0
> (at least that's what I see, might have been 3.3), and some came with this
> cool monitor that had a Amber/Green/Normal switch, but only worked well in
> mono, not CGA mode.
Problem with the Zenith government contract machines is that they were
butt-ugly and half the speed of anything else with otherwise similar
specs. In 1989, Zenith came out with out with a 386/33 (ugly) desktop
(well, regular AT size) that performed like anybody else's 386/16 -- I
paced it against AT&T, NCR and Hyundai boxes. The box looked like it
could wade through WWIII without a blink, built like a tank but not
nearly as pretty. At the same time, Zenith (ZDS being _about_ to be
acquired by Groupe Bull) had a 12Mhz _laptop_ that performed as well as
most 16MHz desktops -- with less memory it equalled that damned 386/33
PC box in everything except expansion. Of course, it probably would
not as well at Ground Zero.
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_
Received on Thu May 21 1998 - 20:45:28 BST