cat Xerox | Apple | Microsoft ?

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Sat May 23 00:05:06 1998

On Fri, 22 May 1998, Allison J Parent wrote:

> Linux is free and it may be better (it's abosolute hell to install) but
> Linux is not the default OS on every wintel box nor io it it shipped with
> more than a fraction of a percent of them. Also for those interested in
> running the small landslide of apps out there for DOS/WINDERS Linux is a
> non player.

Believe me when I tell you (and I can only back this up with gut
instincts) that it doesn't matter. The world is changing, and if nothing
than by sheer force of will, Linux will prevail, or in the very least
crush the MS monopoly. I think it is not far fetched in the least to
imagine in five years that manufactures like Dell and Compaq and Gateway
will start selling Linux boxes, as long as the DOJ is reasonably
successful. But even if they don't, Linux is just gaining too much
momentum and acceptance (admittedly right now primarily amongst the
techies, but it will spread to the public at large) and it will slowly
creep into the mainstream.

> Why do I say that, I have linux, it doesn't run PADS, Gcadd, most of my
> cross assemblers and a few other apps I depend on. I've tried, even
> WP5/dos under linux is strange and tends to die. Setting up an IP network
> is pure hell compared to setting up DECNET. Like win95 and later it also
> requires more than the 8mb of ram I have or it runs poorly. It's

Well, I don't know what you're doing wrong but I've run a Linux box on a
486/33 with 8MB and it screamed. As for the apps not being available,
either give it time or bite the bullet and write them yourself and
contribute them to the linux collective. That's what its all about!

> windowing system is a hog (I'm used to running VMS/DECwindows and a half
> dozen engineers in 8mb on a VAX!). Linux(freeBSD, netBSD, Minix etal) is
> not the cure all, its a good competitor and offers things for some users
> that would otherwise have to run NT(even nastier) but, it's not engineerd
> for the common user. Then again, I've never installed a W95 system nor

You've got to check out Applixware! All I say to this is "...yet!" This
may not all be true yet, but its happening. Linux is becoming easier for
even the common turd to use. Like I said, give this time. Five years.

Sam Alternate e-mail:
Ever onward.

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Received on Sat May 23 1998 - 00:05:06 BST

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