Cliff Gregory wrote:
> There were several manufacturers who made drives for the Commodore line of
> computers. I have two or three examples around here someplace. Chinon is a
> name that comes to mind, but I know there were several more as well.
Chinon was the manufacturer for all of the Amiga 3.5 drives, we used
to replace them with TEAC drives before they went out the door. But
these were usually $15-20k A-2000 systems for Hollywood, possibly
they weren't such a drawback in home systems.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: Cgregory <Cgregory>
> Date: Saturday, May 23, 1998 2:34 AM
> Subject: Re: Prices to pay for old computers...
> >Well, if you're alluding to the Disk ][, this was not an effort by Apple
> >to be "non-standard", but was basically due to the brilliant hacks of
> >Steve Wozniak in adding an inexpensive and simple disk controller to the
> >Apple ][. And as far as aftermarket goes, I can't think of even one drive
> >that was made to work on any Commodore that wasn't manufactured by
> >Commodore, but I myself have at least five examples of disk drives made
> >for the Apple by random no name manufacturers.
> >
> >Sam Alternate e-mail:
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> >Ever onward.
> >
> > September 26 & 27...Vintage Computer Festival 2
> > See for details!
> > [Last web page update: 05/11/98]
> >
> >
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_
Received on Sun May 24 1998 - 06:47:38 BST