Personally I appreciate that fact that this person let everyone know what he had
for sale.
Don't think we should criticize his posting some expected prices..
I don't care if some people think the price was "Market value:" or not..
The price is relative to where you live anyway, or what you need..
I have been looking for a a couple of pieces offered on that list and purchased
I can't find them here (Where I live) and thought the price very reasonable and in
line ..
But my main point is. This person took the time to offer these items to us,
and to avoid getting tons of email of low ball offers, he reposted the items with
expected prices..
OK a C64 is not worth $30.00 to me (I have 5 of them) but if I had none perhaps I
would pay the price..
I thought I would never pay a $100.00 for a Radio Shack model one, but after 6
months of looking for one
I realized it was worth it. I used to see those things in the dumpsters in the
80's.. Worthless then..
Next purchase is for an original Commodore Pet, are they worth $400.00 , $500.00 ?
looks like they are..
Sam Ismail wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Dellett, Anthony wrote:
> > Okay, to avoid confusion, I'm going ahead and adding prices to these. Some
> > prices are negotiable, most are firm.
> >
> > $30 each, they work and include cables
> > Atari 1050 Disk Drive (two of them)
> WAY too much. $10 each max.
> > $30 each
> > Commodore 64 (complete in box, I have two like this)
> Complete with foam, all original accessories, cables, pamphlets and
> manuals, with an immaculate box? For $30, I hope so.
> > $30 for the working grey one, the broken one is a white one and I'll sell
> > for $10
> > Commodore 1541 Disk Drive (2 in box, one works, one doesn't)
> $10 each max.
> > $100, it's in beautiful shape.
> > Compupro S-100 Enclosure (motherboard and PS only, no cards)
> $100 for a bunch of metal and a passive backplane? $25 at the most is
> more like it.
> > $200. Works perfectly, comes with Graphic CP/M 2.2
> > NorthStar Advantage (works completely, with boot disk)
> Too much.
> > $30
> > TI-99/4A Computer (beige model, in box)
> $5
> > $60
> > TRS-80 Model III (with some software)
> $20
> > $150, it's a really nice subsystem.
> > 8" SS/SD Dual Drive Subsystem (ICOM)
> Oof. Too much.
> > $20
> > CoCo 2 - Works peachy
> $5.
> Sellam Alternate e-mail:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Always being hassled by the man.
> Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
> See for details!
> [Last web site update: 11/02/98]
Received on Wed Nov 04 1998 - 22:45:51 GMT