ebay: Antique UNICAC computer memory planes

From: Sam Ismail <dastar_at_ncal.verio.com>
Date: Thu Nov 19 23:32:32 1998

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Bill Yakowenko wrote:

> ] The amazing lace and tiny rings are long gone now. But the legacy still
> ] lives on in the word "stack" and "core memory".
> The ellipses were just some happy talk about how cool cores and Univacs
> were. I agree with him there, wholeheartedly. But those last two
> sentences sounded to me as if there were no cores to be had. If he
> had them for sale, how could be be calling them "long gone"?

I think what he is saying (paraphrased):

"We no longer use lace and tiny rings for memory these days, but we still
use the terms 'stack' and 'core memory' in modern day computer science, so
the legacy of core memory lives on."

> Thanks for the correction! On top of setting me straight on something
> that I felt bad about, this means maybe I can talk myself into (out of?)
> ordering one! :-)

Give him a call and talk to him in person, and that should give you the
comfort level you want before you commit an order.

Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Always being hassled by the man.

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Received on Thu Nov 19 1998 - 23:32:32 GMT

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