I have a Mac Portable with 4 MB RAM, 2400 modem, 40MB HDD, running System
7.01 Pro.
Does anyone have any drawing software that"ll run on it that they'd be
willing to send me?
I'm also looking for a small web browser and TCP/IP dialer program for it.
Are there any MIDI players for the Mac (like a Windows MediaPlayer)?
What format are the sounds on a Mac, where do I get them (the Portable has
no input, so I can't record anything), and how do I play them ? If there is
an audio player for MacOS, where do I find one?
I also have a few questions:
- Just how rare are the models with the factory-installed backlight? I've
heard that they're fairly rare, and the non-backlit versions are much more
-Is there any possible way to fit a bigger HD into it? I've been told that
the HD is a special type, and other ones won't work.
-Jason Willgruber
ICQ#: 1730318
PS>> Please ignore the fact that some of these questions may be pretty
basic, but the Portable is the first Apple I've had since a //c.
Received on Tue Nov 24 1998 - 23:14:44 GMT