Digital LA210 Letterprinter

From: Geoff Roberts <>
Date: Thu Nov 26 00:50:52 1998

Hi guys,

Anyone have specs/instructions for these?
I have rescued one I would like to use on my VMS 6.0 box.
It appears to be intact, powers up and prints a self test,
(seems very fast by dot matrix standards) but it's
filthy as hell, I'm trying to clean it up at the moment.
It came from a lead smelter - and looks like it.
But I have no specs, don't even know if it needs a straight cable,
handshaking or
null modem, default baud rate etc.
A list of the dip switch settings or a pointer to some online docs would
be terrific.


Geoff Roberts
Computer Systems Manager
Saint Marks College
Port Pirie South Australia.
My ICQ# is 1970476
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Received on Thu Nov 26 1998 - 00:50:52 GMT

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