Eric Smith wrote:
> A while back someone asked about the famous World Power Systems scam.
> While I don't have the whole story, I've put a little bit of information
> and scans of some of the advertisments from the April 1979 issue of Byte
> on a web page:
Flash Back !!! Yes I remember this ad in Byte magazine..
In fact I placed an order with Perry Pollock myself in 1979,
$299.00 worth I paid by Visa.. Talked with him personally..
Well the order never arrived, and several phone calls he never returned,
I then found out Perry and his company went under... Also read it
was a scan to begin with..
Because my order was placed with a Visa card and the product was
never sent I got a full credit to my account.. (After several calls to
One of the many benifits of using Visa to place mail orders with..
Interesting thing is it was reported that all the interfaces in the picture
only props, and not actual working computer interfaces..
Actually this is a very interesting bit of history, This was a very large
several pages in a well known magazine, must have cost a small furtune to
place it..
And I know that Byte took alot of heat for getting caught in the middle.
A lot of people like myself placed orders for products they never recieved..
I am going to print the scans you provided to keep as part of my personal
To my knowldege this may have been the biggest Microcomputer scan ever..
"The Bonnie & Clyde of Computers"
Do you know what the dollar amount that this man scammed the public for was
Thanks for the memorys.. <Grin>!!!!
Received on Sat Nov 28 1998 - 01:33:24 GMT