Universal drive

From: Shawn Rutledge <ecloud_at_goodnet.com>
Date: Thu Oct 1 21:45:32 1998

> OK, next question. While I look for weird expansion cards, is there
> any book that I stand a chance at finding which details the DOS flopy
> format?

Look for DOSREF??.ZIP. It's a very informative collection of text files.
There appears to be a version at
http://www.mecheng.asme.org/database/EDU_COMP/MASTER.HTML, but
not sure how old; use archie to find others.

  _______                      KB7PWD _at_ KC7Y.AZ.US.NOAM   ecloud_at_goodnet.com
 (_  | |_)   Shawn T. Rutledge    on the web: http://www.goodnet.com/~ecloud
 __) | | \__________________________________________________________________
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Received on Thu Oct 01 1998 - 21:45:32 BST

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