- "A Brief History of Computers"
- "David Williams" North Star Horizon Help
- 1 Meg uVax memory boards $10
- 11/70 front panel
- 128k Mac Schematic needed
- 16K RAM was 300 bucks in 1977
- 1972 (was: Y2K and immortal executables
- 486 DX/2 66mhz
- 8 inch floppies on PC's (was: TRS-80 Model II stuff!)
- 8088 for free (well kinda)!
- [HeathKit] HERO Robots for sale
- [off topic] Bomb Threat.
- [off topic] Bomb Threat.)
- [off topic] Bomb Threat../pub/users/markg/util/xkey.c.Z
- [off topic] hair
- a collectors grail
- A Commodore 'pre-computer'
- A Proposal (was...))
- A Recent Rescue
- A record?
- About VCF 2.0 and system design
- AES computer with 8-inch disks?
- als for it
- Amiga stories
- Amusing: January 1993 Sun Remarketing Catalog
- Analog computer manuals available
- another ebay laugh
- Another Pet 2001
- another request
- Antique Hollerith Counter
- Any *really* homebrewing going on?
- Any *really* homebrewing going on?)
- Anyone got specs for an Atasi Model 638 HD?
- Anyone Have Pinout for M8047-AA SLU Ports???
- Anyone need a duodisk?
- Apple //c power supply
- Apple <> Orange 386?
- Apple IIe (fwd)
- Apple power supply problems
- Apple Questions
- Aquarius Data Recorders
- ARCnet...
- ARCnet... or Lantastic
- Armiton
- ASR33 touchtone keypad questions
- Atari returns from the grave
- ATMs
- ATMs.
- auction grabs
- auction grabs)
- Available: Couple more PDP-11 refs
- Available: PDP-11 Refs
- Available: WICO Trackball (read on...)
- AY 3500
- b252.html
- BA123 Power Supplies
- Back / VCF / SUN
- Back e-mail files
- Beginning to post "Altair Scans" and PDP-11 docs
- Belly laugh on eBay
- Bid list
- Book Review: A Guide To Collecting Computers ...
- Book Review: The Origins of Digital Computers
- Book Source
- Booklovers: Danger!
- Build
- Building a Z-80 (64bit!
- Building a Z-80 (64bit!!!)
- Building your own Z80 / performance
- C65
- Can anyone identify this vax for sale on Ebay?
- Canon Cat
- Chat Thursday (fwd)
- Cheap "variac"?
- Cipher F880 9-track Docs/Schematics
- CLASSICCMP digest 576
- Classiccmp Friendly Pinout Page Update/Request
- Classics I'm Interested In
- CNET Story (fwd)
- Coco I on ebay
- Columbus analogy (Was: Corrections to trivia
- comador 128
- Commie stuff for sale
- Commodore "PET 2001-8" Vintage Computer
- Commodore 128D
- Computer construction book
- Computer for Sale
- Computer History
- Computer Museum of America
- Convergent Technologies work
- Convergent Technologies workS
- Convergent Technologies workSlate
- Convergent Technologies workSlate)
- Corrections to trivia
- Corrections to trivia)
- CRASH!!!
- Cromemco FS
- CRT decay
- Current Tracers
- Damn
- DEC Hardware
- DEC memru cards
- DEC Rainbow
- DEC RQDX3 Controller
- DEC VAX 6220
- DEC Vaxstation Mice
- DEC-clones from behind the old Iron Curtain.
- DECMate stuff
- Definitions
- discrete transistors
- discrete transistors)
- dishwasher + mainboards
- dishwasher + mainboards (chocolate covered ICs...)
- dishwasher and my 64
- DOS disks?
- DOS Floppy format (Was: Universal drive
- Dutch museum needs Kennedy 9300 docs.
- ebay
- eBay (aka: ePay, eVay, oyVay, etc...)
- eBay strangeness
- eBay strikes again...
- eBay strikes again...)
- ebay)
- ebay: Microcomputers and Memories book
- EDSAC celebration?
- EDSAC on your desk.)
- Educational subsidies
- Educational subsidies)
- Emulation or the real thing?
- ePay
- ePay)
- ESDI Cabling
- ESDI, MSCP, RSX11M, TK50's, etc.
- eVay
- Eventual fate of our machines
- Expander
- FA: Apple Lisa and Apple IIC LCD Display
- Fairchild Channel F
- Fairchild Channel F units
- Fall Edition: CP/M Users Group Swap Meet
- Fibre
- Finds still available in MD
- floppy drive storage
- Floppy format: FM/MFM, & Tracj Layout
- Fluke multimeters: infringement of international safety standard
- Follow-up: Bid list
- For sale stuff gone.
- Formatting a Kaypro 10 Hard Drive
- Franklin Ace 2100
- FREE HP3000
- Free racks, DC area
- Fried PDP-11 -> Panic Mode Off
- FS in UK - Intel & Cromemco Etc. circa 1974 & 1980
- FS: Apple Lisa System on Auction
- FS: Aquarius Personal Computer, Model 5931R
- FS: Assembly Language on 360/370 book
- FS: DEC Documentation (RM80 Disk Drives)
- FS: Hewlett Packard 90 Meter DDS Data Cartridges
- FUBARs and microfortnights
- Fwd: antique arcade machines
- Fwd: Osborne 01
- Fwd: PCjr's Available in Utah
- Fwd: secrets of a microvax II
- Gemini Galaxy 2
- Gemini Galaxy 2 - It works
- Great Find
- GRID question
- Guardian article
- H8 computer
- Haggle Online (Was: ePay)
- Hard drive recovery questions
- Hayes
- Hayes Bankruptcy
- Heath H89 -- Complete System
- Heathkit Advanced weather station backlight problem?
- Heathkit H8 vs. H-89
- Hello Again
- Help -- pages from PDP11 Bus Handbook missing
- Help bootting this PDP-11/44
- Help in MD needed
- Help with AES computer?
- Help with an Amiga...
- HELP!!! (OT)
- Help: Identify my board
- HELP: Need Vax Fortran
- Here comes the Hurricane
- Hi
- Hi (Basic 4 mini)
- HOMEBREW mailing list
- Homebrew projects wanted for exhibit at VCF 3.0
- Homebrewing a classic
- How is a microprocessor made?
- How is a microprocessor made?./pub/users/markg/csrc/ChipSet.zip
- How to identify comm hardware you pass up
- HP Paintjet
- HP85 - need info
- I hit the jackpot - if I can store the stuff
- I think I fried a PDP-11
- IBM 5120 at the local thrift store
- IBM 5126 at the local thrift store
- IBM 5363 II
- IBM AT Piggyback Memory
- IBM Reuse model numbers?
- IBM RT machine - info pls...
- IBM Salvage?
- IBM XT286
- In case you thought Ebay couldn't get more ridiculous...
- Info needed on Godbout Econorom 2708
- Intel single board computer.
- Intellec 8 -v- Altair 8800
- Internet Question
- Internet software for an XT computer
- Irwin 125 floppy tape drive
- It boots from ESDI <finally>
- Items FS or trade
- Items sold
- Joined Messages
- Joyboard
- Just when you thought eBay couldn't get more ridiculous
- Justification of a 128bit address bus....
- Kaypro 10 HD woes
- KEITH, WE HARDLY KNEW YOU was: Noise levels (yak yak)
- Kenback 1
- Kilobaud Magazine
- kits, definitions, prices...
- kits, definitions, prices...)
- KL-10 Emulation Underway
- Kurzweil KVS
- L-DOS (Was: Building a Z-80 (64bit!!!)
- Lantastic
- Latest finds
- Latets finds
- Less common ones (Was: Top 10 Holy Grails
- Let's try this again...8088 for free (well kinda)!
- Let's try this again...8088 for free!
- Lisa 2 or 2/5 I/O board wanted
- Lisa HELP!
- Lisa software available
- Lisa stuff update
- Logic Analyzer
- Looking for -10 software
- Mac emulators?
- MAC Portables (The BIG ones)
- Marketing /formerly ...
- Mattel Aquarius on ebay
- MCA net card - status?
- Microfortnights
- Microprocessor holy wars...
- Microsci HAVAC
- Microsci HAVAC)
- Microvaxen bits
- Microvaxen bits etc.
- Microvaxen bits etc.)
- Misc.
- MITS Altair 8800BT Computer (RARE!!!)
- MITS Altair 8800BT Computer)
- MMD-2
- Model 4 I/O ports - found
- Mono 19inch monitor
- More thoughts on building a Z-80 (64bit!!!)
- Morrow
- Morrow Laptop ID
- movie computers (The List! ) (fwd)
- MS-DOS type-ahead buffer limit?
- MS_DOS 2.11 (Was: DOS disks?
- mucho Altairs on eBay
- mucho Vintage on eBay
- NCR tower
- Need Info on DEC 11/84 Board, M8190
- Need Info on DEC 11/84 Board, M8190/ relays
- Need Info on DEC 11/84 Board, M8190/thread drift
- Need info on Teletype
- Need Info: Unibus Ethernet Card, M7792
- Need Pinout: DEC H7861 Power Supply
- need some parts
- net disruptions through terrorist machinations
- New Acquisitions
- new DEC additions
- New Find
- New Finds
- New Thread... TRS-80 Model IIs!!!!
- New to the list
- Nixie stuff
- No place to contact... yet... but be ready
- No subject
- Noise levels have become deaf
- Noise levels increasing and have become deafening
- Noise levels increasing and....)
- North Star Horizon Help
- Odd Meas. Units
- Off-Topic Wierdness
- Ohio Scientific (fwd)
- Ohio Scientific C3 OEM available
- Okay one more time: LINUX for $1.49!!
- old CDS modem
- Old HP disk drives (HP 7925) available
- old IBM calculator
- old IBM calculator questions
- OOPS!! Sorry people!
- Osborne One Sale
- OT: Modern college educa
- OT: Modern college education
- OT: Modern college educations
- OT: Modern college educations)
- P75 - UPDATE on CPU upgrade.
- Partitioning a HD with RT-11 V5.3
- Partner 128
- PC cassette port info
- PCjr with no disk drive?
- PDP 11/23 rescue in Florida
- PDP Doc files posted today
- PDP-10 arch question
- PDP-10 arch question)
- PDP-11/44 boot prompt
- pdp-11/44, contact poster
- PDP-11/70 rescued!
- PDP-9
- pdp11/44 free to good home in TX
- Pentiums, 486s wanted
- Personal communications should stay off the list
- Pl-1 book
- Plessey Periph. Clone
- Potential projects
- Pre - Columbus traveler with classic computer?
- Premium SoftCard //e
- printer socket (Off topic)
- PROM Burner
- Qbus card info needed...
- Question: Godbout/CompuPro ram boards
- Quick thrift run...
- RAM card Identification help?
- Rare 1976 Intel MCS-85 System Design Kit
- RARE!!! (ebay)
- Regarding PDP-11/ and rt11 too
- Removal
- Reparir of my 8514/A monitor
- Replying to people (was TRS-80 model II)
- Rescue...
- Riddles & old stuff for sale
- RIP Jon Postel
- RL02 slides & brackets
- Road trip/vintage sources
- Robot Odyssey
- Robot Odyssey?
- Rookie PDP help needed again...
- RQDX2 & 3 jumpers
- RSX-11M and CSR's
- RT info update and boxes of manuals and disks...
- RT-11 on 8" media
- RX50 / RX33 Questions related to PDP-11's
- RX50's on a PC?
- Sams Computerfacts
- Scanning (was: TurboDos)
- SCO Unix (Older version)
- Seeking: ASR-35/37 TTY - trade ASR-33 ?
- Seeking: Lisa/Mac XL 'Do it yourself guide'
- SMD disk analyzer
- Smoke Signal Broadcasting FS
- Software Collecting
- Some "Classiccmp-Friendly" pinouts posted....
- Somebody has a C65 on eBay
- Somebody has a C65 on eBay)
- Sony SMC-70
- Source of software for HP3000/37 running MPE-V
- Sparc Supply Schematics
- Strange computer... ATR 8000
- subscribe
- SWTP 6800 on Haggle
- System/34 and 36
- Tandy 1000's
- Tandy Keyboard
- Tandy PC-1, 2, 4, 5 series
- Tandys gone/Apples anyone?
- Tbar data monitor, looking for...
- teledisk (was: 8 inch floppies on PC's (was: TRS-80 Model II...
- Textronix 4025 terminal seen
- Thanks for the help.
- The 'Geek' deifned?
- The PDP lives! To the best of my (limited) knowledge, anyway...
- They still use Commodores in Nova Scotia
- Thrift-store goodies
- TI 745 for sale
- Ties caught in printers.
- To Mark Tapley
- Tony Cole and the Crays
- Top 10 Holy Grails of Classic Microcomputer Collecting
- Top 10 Holy Grails of Classic Microcomputer Collecting)
- Top 10 sins of a computer scrapper
- TOPS-20
- Tops-20 and ^T
- Treasure chest!
- Treasure chest!)
- Trivia Question
- Tron, con't
- TRS 80's available free
- TRS Model 100 needed
- TRS-80 CoCo for sale
- TRS-80 emulators
- TRS-80 emulators)
- TRS-80 emulators, Linux distributions
- TRS-80 Model 4 I/O ports?
- TRS-80 Model I
- TRS-80 Model II stuff!
- TRS-80 Model II stuff! (And Welsh stuff for Ward)
- TRS80-4,i/o
- TurboDOS
- UL? (Was: PDP-11/70 rescued!
- Ultrix installation media
- Unassembled Altair kits
- Unibus Emulex board - ID, please...
- Units of measure (Was: discrete transistors
- UNIVAC memory screens web site.
- Universal drive
- Universal drive Part 1: The DRIVE
- Unknown Apple II Card
- Unknown Apple II Card / TRS-80 Model II
- Unsubscribe
- Update - Aquarius Data Recorders
- Update 2 - Aquarius Data Recorders
- UPDATE: RT 6151 is home!
- Vaporware (and not) from '83 CES
- VAXStation cable pinouts
- VCF 2.0 t-shirts on sale [ClassicCmp discount!]
- VCF II pix on-line
- VCF mentioned in UK newspaper
- VCF Nerd Trivia Challenge Questions & Answers
- VCF Nerd Trivia Challenge Questions & Answers)
- VCF Press Clippings
- Video Brain Computer
- Voltage needed
- VS2000 Color Video Board for shipping cost.
- VT55
- wafers , dice, etc.
- Wang Thang Revisited
- wanted: sheet feeder for HP ScanJet 3c
- Washington DC area vintage sour
- Webpage up; input needed
- Week end acquisitions
- Week End Finds
- What computers used the AMI7200 & 7300?
- What is a PX4?
- What is this? Commodore Magic Voice
- What is this? Strange keyboard
- What was the first Unix micro?
- whistling mac plus
- Who wants 3480 1/2" tape carthridges?
- Why do some of us collect old computers ?
- Windows 1.0
- Windows 1.0?
- Working PDP-10 anyone?
- World Power Systems scam
- WTB: NEEDED: Tandy/Bondwell parts!
- XenoCopy-PC (Was: teledisk (was: 8 in on PC's (was: TRS-80 II...
- Xerox 16/8
- Xerox 860 IPS
- Xerox Stuff
- Y2K and immortal executables
- your mail
- Zenith Luggable
- ZILOG article in South China Morning Post
- Last message date: Sat Oct 31 1998 - 23:50:24 GMT
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:31:31 BST