Robot Odyssey

From: Larry Anderson <>
Date: Sat Oct 3 11:00:43 1998

> From: "D. Peschel" <>
> Subject: Robot Odyssey?
> I hope I didn't mention this before...
> I'm looking for any versions of a game called "Robot Odyssey". It was written
> by The Learning Company and is a very unusual combination of an electronics
> simulator and a 2-D adventure game.

A two minute search on Yahoo have me this archive directory:

> The Apple ][ version sold especially well; there were three versions (1.0,
> 1.1, 2.0). I own an original copy of 1.0. I _had_ an original copy of 2.0
> and sold it, and still feel really stupid. The only pirated copies are 1.0.
> However, there were also versions for: the IBM PC (definitely exists), the
> Tandy CoCo (almost definitely exists), and the Commodore 64 (probably exists).
> TLC may have promised others (Atari?) which were never released.
> I'm posting here because:
> - The kind of geeks on this list would probably love this game. :)
> - The Apple newsgroups are a waste of time.
> - No one at the VCF had any idea what I was talking about.

When I went to school they had PETs...

> - Maybe someone knows the authors of the program? The receptionists
> at TLC are (obviously) clueless, but I've heard that even talking
> to higher-up people there is a waste of time. (This is from a Web
> site I found.) So if there's any chance of getting "inside" info
> on the program, the authors are it.
> Thanks,
> -- Derek

Larry Anderson - Sysop of Silicon Realms BBS (300-2400bd) (209) 754-1363
Visit my Commodore 8-Bit web page at:
Received on Sat Oct 03 1998 - 11:00:43 BST

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