Any *really* homebrewing going on?

From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Sun Oct 4 10:48:58 1998

entertainment. But there is no real point in getting a high score, right
< Building a CPU should be like that. It's entertaining. It's a hobby. And
< for me, the feeling I get when it runs its first instruction almost
< certainly exceeds any feeling I would get from a video game (OK, so I
< don't like games much, but you get the point).

Not so fast... There are good reasons to design your own cpu. Assuming
your doing an existing cpu, speed and added features are some.

For example doing a FPGA version of z80 that runs at 30mhz and also uses
not more than 2-6 clocks per instruction. Tough you bet but, it would be
faster than any z80! Practical maybe not. but that was a trivial example.
Another could be a simple PDP-8 using modern parts and no core that can
easily run at several MIPs (8Es were several hundred thousand instructions
per second). Just some exercises. ;)

Received on Sun Oct 04 1998 - 10:48:58 BST

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