PDP-10 (was Re: EDSAC on your desk.)

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Sun Oct 4 16:07:12 1998

"Buck Savage" <hhacker_at_gte.net> wrote:
> message, you refered to a PDP-10 simulator, the kx10. Where can I get a
> copy of the simulator?

It has not been publicly released. Several people (myself included) are
trying to convince the author to release it.

> If you have information about the availability of hardware, I
> would very much like to receive same.

Sorry, but any available DEC-10 hardware that I find out about will be
instantly aquired and become unavailable. Even if it's another KL10,
Scott and I will need it for spares.

Received on Sun Oct 04 1998 - 16:07:12 BST

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