
From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Tue Oct 6 14:45:47 1998

> So would it be possible to come up with a group sanctioned list of
> definitions for:
> computer (generic)
> digital computer
> analog computer
> minicomputer
> microcomputer
> processor
> microprocessor
> mainframe

> Then when we all agreed on what the definition was we could argue 'firsts'
> with some sort of logical frame-work. As it is, the discussions read a lot
> like:

I think the problem is that it's impossible to find a singe and
_undisputed_ definition for any of the terms above. Even computer
isn't clear at all (just remember Raul Rojas' speak about the Z1),
not to mention this when is a microprocessor a microprocessor
discusion going thruout the list.

> No offense intended, my observation is that many discussions are running
> around in circles because the participants haven't agreed on their basic
> tenents yet.

Same for me, but if we follow the ongoing thread, it will be
visible, thats it's less about whats the first of wich ever
(unclear) kind, and more about vague concepts and the impact
of a certain design.

All this firsts and this-but-not-that things operate
at borderlines where are no real borders.

Maybe there is a 'Uncertainty Principle' of certain
'seem to be exact' terms. Like ordinary physiks, they
are usable for every day life, but when (we are) try
to define the very finest structur, we have to discover
that they are no more usable.


BTW: should I call it Frankes Uncertainty Principle of
     Computer Terms ? (SCNR *g*)

(I meet Werner Heisenberg once in 1972 at a
 speech at our school - quite an notable man.)

I like Sam's point about regarding unpretended tasks
AND is like Doug's idea about (technical/comercial)
impact. Both have their advantages and disadvantages,
but none can either be used as this blade everybody
wants to have, since there is no strict this-or-that.
I think both are to be considered. A concept without
without follow up is not relevant, and if we only look
for the (comercial) impact, so anything beside the x86
wouldn't be woth to be remembered ???

The true worth of this list is NOT to get this-or-that
thing, it's about aquiering and enhance knowledge on
all regarding fields, ideas, concepts, etc.

Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Tue Oct 06 1998 - 14:45:47 BST

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