Somebody has a C65 on eBay

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Tue Oct 6 18:08:54 1998

I wrote:
> There's some evidence to suggest that the Lisa is the Apple VI, which raises
> the question of what happened to IV and V.

Sam wrote:
> Nobody has the enormous free time you seem to have that allows you to
> study Lisa's, so better to start explaining.

Enormous free time? I wish I had that. Before Apple switched to their
current marketing product numbering scheme

        <letter><four digits><two letters>[/<two letters>]

their original product numbering was of the form

        A<digit><letter><four digits>

where the first digit was the computer model it was related to, and the
letter designated the type of product. For instance, A2Dxxxx was software
on diskette for the Apple ][, A2Mxxxx was a manual for the Apple ][ or related
products, and IIRC the computers themselves were A2Cxxxx. For the Apple ///
products, the first digit was three. For Lisa products, it was 6. For
some cross-platform products it was 9.

Tom Owad <>
> I think it would be more accurate to say that Apple considered naming the
> Lisa the Apple IV. "Lisa" was originally just a code name, after all.

In what way can that be said to be more accurate? Do you have any firsthand
knowledge of any such plans?

Aside from the marketing model numbers, the only information I've ever found
regarding alternate names that may have been considered was the story about
the name "Applause".

Received on Tue Oct 06 1998 - 18:08:54 BST

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