At 08:24 PM 10/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I've always wanted to know which machines have only a single instance
>represented on this list.
If I've got any that aren't duplicated, I'd guess them to be:
NEC PC-8201 (not the PC-8201A)
Datavue 25
Iasis Computer-in-a-Book (I think Hal Layer has one, but I don't think he's
on the list)
Symbolics 3600
Seequa Chameleon?
Sanyo MBC-8000
Zenith ZP-150?
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Tue Oct 06 1998 - 21:38:25 BST