On 6 Oct 98, at 23:05, Allison J Parent wrote:
> There is no resident monitor or software other than a disk boot in
> a standard horizon. It will not say anything to a terminal untill
> it boots (assuming the booted code has something to say). If the boot
> fails likley the only signals you get is disk activity or the lack of it.
> Make sure you have at least 32k of ram starting at 0000 for CPM or
> 16k starting at 2000h for NSdos.
I would do that is I knew how. My memory board has several
jumpers and a couple of 8-switch dip switches but I have no doc on
the board so don't know memory settings. It is a 64K board so I
would assume I have a full address space. It is a N* RAM board
> Are they personalized for the machine and are all the port headers don on
> the mother board set up correctly? Are the media the correct density for
> the controller in use?
Good question. These were sent to me by someone on the list.
The disks are 10 sectored (hard) double sided double density. The
controller is an N* Micro Disk Controller MDS-AD or that is all I can
see on it.
> I have and still run one.
> it occurs to me, if you have DOCS for it the setup and checkout procedure
> is in there.
The only doc I have is a copy of the N* Monitor doc and the N*DOS
doc. I see the stuff in the N*DOS doc about "personalizing dos".
Any other tips to help out?
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Tue Oct 06 1998 - 23:03:55 BST