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From: wanderer <>
Date: Wed Oct 7 17:13:22 1998

Well, let's see.

I got the kit for 50 guilders ($25), which is not a bad price if
you ask me for such a near complete kit. As for the moment, I don't
have a picture yet, but I could scan a picture from one of the manuals.

Unfortunately it's not fore sale, but if someone want's to exchange
it for a KIM-1, I could be tempted, or somewone would like to pay
me mega $$$$ (maybe someone at eBay :-) )

Some more info about the board, it's labelled PWB 10010505 Rev C
and has a copyright of 1976.

The manuals have various dates, they are :
Product Description book, dated January 1979,
Assambly Language Reference Card, dated March 1979,
MCS-80/85 Family User's Manual, dated October 1979,
8080/8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual dated 1977,1978, 197
SDK-85 System Design Kit User's Manual, dated 1978



BTW, the guy who sold this also had 3 handheld terminals sets
which doe work on CP/M. He also had 3 matching printers, 2 software
development kits for the PC (has a Z80 processor on an ISA board),
and 1 docking station. Apparently these sets were used f.e. as barcode
readers, as the terminal could be equipped with a optical pen.

The Wanderer                       | Geloof nooit een politicus!                    | Europarlementariers:   | zakkenvullers en dumpplaats voor
Unix Lives!   windows95 is rommel! | mislukte politici.
'96 GSXR 1100R                     | 
See for a funny pic. of
Received on Wed Oct 07 1998 - 17:13:22 BST

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