Apple power supply problems

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Thu Oct 8 02:50:36 1998

David wrote:
> call me crazy or whatever, but i used a paper clip to
> bypass the fuse and plugged the ac in and powered on for just a sec. i got a
> bit of smoke so i powered off and checkes. not finding the source, i did it
> again while watching. this time, something really smoked!

OK, you're crazy or whatever.

Don't *ever* short a fuse. The fuse is there for a reason, which is to
protect the expensive components. If the fuse blows, it is possible that
nothing is actually wrong. The way to test for this is to put in another
fuse, not to short it out. If the new fuse blows also, there's a serious

When I was trying to repair my first Atari X-Y (vector) monitor, from a
Battlezone game, I kept mistakenly thinking that I had solved the problem,
and blowing another fuse. The guy at Radio Shack noticed that I kept buying
fuses, and told me to just short across it. Fortunately I knew better than
to follow his advice. If I had done so, I would have ruined the deflection

Received on Thu Oct 08 1998 - 02:50:36 BST

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