Question: Godbout/CompuPro ram boards

From: <(>
Date: Thu Oct 8 08:24:34 1998

>I seem to recall that one (or more) of the Godbout/CompuPro ram boards used
>a 2kx8 static RAM part that had the same pinout as a 2716 EPROM, and could
>support 2716s in place of some/all of the RAM chips. True or false?

True! The part is the Hitachi (or compatible) 6116P-2.

>And if true, was there any special configuration that needed to be done for
>the 2716s?

It depends on the exact board; most boards that would take either had
a jumper per socket to set RAM vs EPROM. Which board are you specifically
interested in? When I bought out the stock of the last remaining
Compupro dealer I ended up with most of the manuals in addition to
hundreds of boards...

This feature certainly wasn't confined to Compupro; there were several
dozen other manufacturers of memory boards that did this, too. Most
of the time the jumpers are pretty obvious, though some weren't below
requiring the user to do PC board surgery.

 Tim Shoppa                        Email:
 Trailing Edge Technology          Voice: 301-767-5917
 7328 Bradley Blvd                 Fax:   301-767-5927
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817
Received on Thu Oct 08 1998 - 08:24:34 BST

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