World Power Systems scam

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Thu Oct 8 19:21:42 1998

> > > Does anyone recall the month and year the "World Power Systems"
> > > scam advertisement appeared in (was it?) Byte?
> The real hoot to the thing was that if you looked REAL close at the
> pictures of the boards in the ad, you might notice that while there were
> components on the boards, there were NO traces on the boards!

There were traces. There just weren't *enough* traces. And the components
were packed too densely on most of the boards they showed in the photographs.
Sure, you could make boards that dense by going multi-layer, but not for
the prices they were asking. Back then multilayer boards were very

I saw these advertisements recently when I was looking up the two-part
article on implementing DES on a KIM. I'll scan them and put them on my
web site. Hey, a new service: ScamScan (TM).
Received on Thu Oct 08 1998 - 19:21:42 BST

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