We must be carefuyl to differentiate between companies that legitimately
fold v ones such as World Power, where the intent had been to defraud.
Although you can still lose money on unfulfilled orders from legitimate
comnapnies that fold unexpectedly.
Morrow seems to have been a company with integrity. But they misguessed
some significant business issues. Such as betting the farm on the IRS
portables contract. First the whole deal was delayed for quite a long
time based on speculation about IBM's upcoming portable. Then they
competed for a long time with the rumors about it - "It'll be a COLOR
machine, that runs for a month on a flashlight battery, ..." Then, when
the IRS contract was finally awarded, it went to Zenith who built the
Morrow design with royalties, BUT the contract had been delayed until the
point where the royalty agreement was running out.
A few years ago, Howard Fullmer who had been the chief engineer died. I
don't know details.
Does anyone have a spare copy to sell of "Quotations from Chairman Morrow"?
"Standards are wonderful - everyone should have a unique one of their own"
Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com
XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
2210 Sixth St. (510) 644-9366
Berkeley, CA 94710-2219
Received on Fri Oct 09 1998 - 15:51:27 BST