On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Jason Willgruber wrote:
> Um, I don't care what anybody says, but that disk drive does NOT look like
> anything similar to an Apple Disk II.
You might want to go back and reread the earlier parts of the thread. I
don't recall anyone saying that the HAVAC drive "looked like" the Apple
drives, only that the 'spiral grooved disc' was common to early shugart
drive mechanisms such as were used in the Apple Disk II drives.
> BTW: I used to have a Disk II, and the heads were positioned by a stepper
> motor, and didn't have any "spiral-grooved disc" anywhere in the entire
> unit.
Better look again. The motor used for the head actuator was indeed a
stepper motor, but mounted on its shaft is the (now) infamous
spiral-grooved disc which provided the coupling between the motor and the
head carriage.
(at least on the dozen or so Disk II units in my collection...) B^}
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Received on Mon Oct 12 1998 - 15:03:59 BST