On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, John Rollins wrote:
> Picked this thing up at Wacky Willy's in Portland, OR for $5 with a floppy
> drive(actually two 5.25" drives in a case with a PS). Not quite sure what
> to think of it. It says ATR8000 SWP Microcomputer Products on the front,
> lighted power switch on front, and on the back we have two 13-pin Molex
> connectors marked Peripheral Out and Computer In, and three edge-connectors
> marked RS-232, Printer and Floppy Drive. Inside it says Software
> Publisher's ATR8000, and has a Z80 CPU, a WDC floppy IC and a VERY small
> amount of RAM... They assumed it was an Atari of some sort, as they
> recently got an 800 and 800XL. Does anyone have any idea what the ATR 8000
> is?
Its an Atari CP/M add-on module. Its actually a stand-alone CP/M box.
You can add a terminal and disk drives to it to make it complete. It was
sold mainly to the Atari market. With it came a terminal program
carthridge for the Atari. The Atari then became a dumb terminal to the
CP/M machine. You can hook Atari drives to it, and it came with an Atari
CP/M system disk. If you didn't get one, I can make you a copy of mine,
plus the manual, but I won't get to it for several weeks (standard
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.
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[Last web site update: 09/21/98]
Received on Mon Oct 12 1998 - 19:56:40 BST