On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Marvin wrote:
> Does anyone on this list collect software, and if so, what is considered
> desireable software to collect?
The obvious packages like the original Visicalc for the Apple, Lotus for
the PC. There was a huge burst of interest on the Apple2 newsgroups last
year in the original Ultima's, with the first Ultima in the original
packaging with all the pieces fetching up to $300.
Software is certainly collectable. How are you going to run all your
collectable machines without it?
> On a similar note, is there any value to collecting software for the Apple
> II series or the C-64 series of computers? It seems like that type of
> software is almost throwaway (and that is a shame.)
Well, good. The more other people throw away, the more my library of
Apple II software will be worth. I collect any and all software I find,
for any platform, and on any medium. Its a definite part of the history,
and collecting the machines but ignoring the software is, in my opinion,
A lot of programs, especially the earlier Apple II and Commodore software,
was not published in mass numbers like you have these days. Maybe 5,000 -
20,000 was typical for the biggest hits (the rest of the people got copies
Having early software with the original manual and packaging will be a
critical part of any collection in the future as it adds breadth to
systems in the collection.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.
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[Last web site update: 09/21/98]
Received on Mon Oct 12 1998 - 22:57:35 BST