Pre - Columbus traveler with classic computer?

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Tue Oct 13 12:48:51 1998

> < >> My question is why did everything go to Hell between 300BC and 0AD? H
> < >> you believe the earth was flat? Where did this idea come from
> < > Wasn't that around the time of the burning of the 'library' in
> < > Alexandria?
> < In fact, did anybody belive this, or is it just a
> < urban legend ?

> I think it is ascribed to the dark ages, roughly 700-1400AD Europe.


> The polical power of the church was strong then and science was nearly
> exitinct.

Science ? Just define science - AFAIK they had a lot of
scientific research - just more in a way a 'bit' different.

Their approach ist just alien for us today. And in fact, the
church at this time wasn't anti-science they promoted research
and payed a whole lot of money to support researchers. But
like every big institution they are a bit slow when it comes
to new ideas (Ever tried to launch a project based on a complete
new idea ?). Even if you advance to the time of Galileo, the
force behind the bann have just been some 'fellows' out of
sheer envy.

As mor as I learn about this 'dark ages' as less dark they
apear. Not even very different from before or after (especialy
not differentfrom now ).


Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Tue Oct 13 1998 - 12:48:51 BST

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