> At this point, if you don't have
>a floppy in the RX50, the DEC BOOT ROMS will hard boot
>an alternate CSR for UNIT 0, PARTITION 0.
The situation depends greatly on *which* version of the DEC boot
ROM's are in use. Some automatically search for an alternate CSR,
some allow you to specify it explicitly.
The situation is complicated by the fact that for most DEC OS's,
the alternate DU CSR is 160334, while for RT-11, SYSGEN will certainly
suggest something very different for the default:
> 230. What is the CSR (register) address for the second port (172144)?
While most DEC DU bootstraps "sniff" through 172144, not all do.
Luckily, we don't have to argue about the situation, as Zane told
us which bootstrap he is using:
>When I tell the system to boot from
>DUB0 or DUB1 which is the terminalogy that the WQESD controller expects
So any discussion of DEC bootstrap revisions seems to be quite
irrelevant :-)
For many purposes, I much prefer the WQESD boot scheme. It
avoids all the confusion caused by the many, many different DEC DU
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa_at_trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology Voice: 301-767-5917
7328 Bradley Blvd Fax: 301-767-5927
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817
Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 08:48:16 BST