Tandy Keyboard

From: Lawrence Walker <lwalker_at_mail.interlog.com>
Date: Wed Oct 14 23:40:39 1998

On 14 Oct 98 at 18:49, Max Eskin wrote:

> Are these PC clones? I have seen a tandy (1000, I think) that had a
> microphone port. Why was this? I have also seen a tandy which was
> sort of like a C64 except it had a 3.5" disk drive. I'm _certain_ it
> was a tandy.
 They did run Dos and supposedly Gates wrote the OS for them. They were
very similiar to the PC jr. and had a better resolution on the Tandy monitors
than CGA. Can't remember the mike port but I seem to remember they did have
a superior sound chip. TRS had a proprietory GUI (of sorts) called Deskmate
that came with the sytem. The C64 type was likely a CoCo of which Murch is
the resident expert. I believe he moderates the CoCo m-l .The CoCo 2 and 3 have
an OS available called OS-9 which is IIRC quite impressive.

ciao larry
Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 23:40:39 BST

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