Joined Messages

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Fri Oct 16 17:06:04 1998

On Oct 16, 19:19, Olminkhof wrote:
> Subject: Joined Messages
> I am finding an unusual number of inappropriately joined messages. A
> Listserv problem?
> Does anyone know how to get this fixed?

Hmm... I've had this problem from time to time with Pine (a well-known but
in some respects very iffy UNIX mailer) and with other mail software based
on similar library code (elm, and a new GUI one whose name escapes me).
 The author of the library made some unwarranted assumptions about what
exactly are the rules that govern separation of messages in a mailbox, and
the allowed formated for the date, with the result that messages sometimes
get stuck together. The author forgot the adage "be forgiving in what you
accept and strict in what you transmit". It's my pet hate at the moment

Perhaps yuo have a similar problem, either on your local system or your

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Fri Oct 16 1998 - 17:06:04 BST

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