Well, dang it... I'm running out of room, and I really don't have the time
that this gorgeous old beastie deserves, so....
Here's what I've got. A complete H89 system as follows.
System unit with internal FD -- no screen burn that I can see, very clean.
External dual FD. (all FD's are 5.25" hard-sectored 40 TPI).
Cassette I/O board.
OkiData Microline 82 series printer.
IBM "Plug-and-Play" EPROM kit for the OkiData, something about 'Block
Extra printer ribbon, still in the shrink wrap.
Spare chips: 4116-25, 74S132, and 74LS186.
PROMs (Heath/Zenith part numbers on the labels): 2 ea. 444-43
EPROMs (a pair of 2716's, also with H-Z part numbers on the labels): 444-40
That's the hardware. About the only thing that's missing (God only knows
why) are the hardware manuals.
I do have the following software for it, with manuals.
CP/M-80, Ver. 2.2, Heath-Zenith tagged.
'Ed-a-Sketch' graphics editor.
'Reach' modem and file transfer program.
PIE 1.5 full-screen editor.
HUG Utilities and BASIC-E disks.
NewWord Word Processor, ver. 2.17
JRT Pascal, V. 3.0.
Space Odyssey 1
Microsoft BASIC Compiler on original 8" diskette, ver. 7032.530
Spare diskettes (at least a box worth).
Please to make me an offer on the whole schmeer! I know I can trust you
lot to make it a fair one. It would probably be best if said offer came
from someone local (Seattle, Portland, etc.). I can ship the stuff, but
that could get costly even with UPS Ground. Some of the units are pretty
Thanks in advance.
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail: kyrrin_at_jps.net) (Web:
SysOp: The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272, 253-639-9905)
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Sat Oct 17 1998 - 13:09:25 BST