Yah! The Vintage Computer Festival was immortalized on television.
It aired on CNET Central on the USA network this morning at 6:00am. You
might be able to catch re-runs of it this week on local stations. Its the
last segment of the show.
Here's a list of the people who were included in the 5-minute segment:
Roger Sinasohn (talking about the Toshiba T1100)
Jacob Rittoro
Chuck McManis (talking about his PDP-8)
Marvin Johnston
Kai Kaltenbach (answering "Altair 8800" to the question "which is your
Paul Zachary
Larry Anderson (showing off his PET 2001)
Frank Gottschalk
Jim Willing (talking about all sorts of stuff)
And me (I'm Da Star! :)
It was a very well-done segment, and I'm very pleased with it.
Its sort of funny seeing yourself on TV, especially at 6am. Next year, I
want prime time baby!
If you get ZDTV (ZiffDavis) on cable then watch for a segment on one of
their shows as well in the next couple weeks I would imagine. If I get
word from them I'll pass it along too.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.
Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
http://www.vintage.org/vcf for details!
[Last web site update: 09/21/98]
Received on Sun Oct 18 1998 - 16:57:37 BST