Not to mention power problems! But I have the feeling that's a
bit small! Nothing on the scale of the Pentium II has ever been
achieved with transistors, never mind relays, and I'm sure they
tried. For example, it would be possible to place transistors at
1 per cubic inch, and have the cool adequately, but it's clearly
never been attempted, because if it were, there would be boxes
to plug into a PC XT to get Pentium II speeds.
>Assuming each relay occupied a cubic inch, one million relays would
>occupy a cube 100 inches on each side, or just a bit over 8 feet on
each side.
>Not ridiculously large.
>Of course, real relays much smaller than a cubic inch are readily
>and a real computer of that density would have incredible cooling
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Received on Sun Oct 18 1998 - 20:52:42 BST