
From: Baxter Timothy Keith <baxtertk_at_dlu.edu>
Date: Mon Oct 19 11:54:37 1998

> ----------
> From: Ward Donald Griffiths III[SMTP:gram_at_cnct.com]
> Reply To: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu
> Sent: Monday, October 19, 1998 11:34 AM
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: TOPS-20
> Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
> > I think what most people lament is that 20 years later, Unix still
> doesn't
> > have the user friendliness of TOPS-20 nor are we likely to see anything
> like
> > it any time soon.
> >
> > -spc (Yea yea yea it could be done, but doing it right (or even
> reliably)
> > under Unix is a real pain ... )
> Well, nobody's stopping anybody from doing a TOPS-20 lookalike for
> current hardware. Linus Torvalds did his. (And as the old quote
> goes, Unix is just as user-friendly as any other operating system,
> it just isn't so promiscuous about who it's friendly with). You
> could do a TOPS-20 "shell" over Linux or you can do your own kernel.
> You decide. Never used TOPS-20 myself, though I'd like to try it
> sometime, Eric Raymond speaks highly of it even though nowadays he
> mostly hacks Linux and has even convinced my wife into installing
> Red Hat onto an otherwise unused Pentium-90 box so she'll learn
> skills not included in her nursing education.
> --
> Ward Griffiths <mailto:gram_at_cnct.com> <http://www.cnct.com/home/gram/>
> When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked me if I had any
> firearms with me. I said "Well, what do you need?" -- Steven Wright
Received on Mon Oct 19 1998 - 11:54:37 BST

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