Marvin wrote:
> Some interesting stuff on ebay right now! I would normally bid on this, but
> am going to hold my reins in a bit right now. This book closes about 7pm
> PST tonight and current price is $7.51. Looks like a good addition to
> someones old computer library. The URL is:
And I gave one of those away last year, enough to tighten your shorts around the
family jewels and squeeze.
If anyone should have occasion to want to bid on an item being sold by
"XTHECOLLECTOR" be either very careful or just don't bid on it. He shouldn't
even be on their since he's a minor and he's flukey in his dealings with people.
I sold him a cherry Compaq laptop that he took nearly a month to send payment
for, and then asked how he needed to go about sending it back for a refund as it
"wasn't what he thought it was" even though he bid on it 4 times in the last 6
minutes before it closed. No mention of guarantee, refund, etc was made and when
I reminded him of this he put negative feedback on me. I returned the favor to
inform the world of his business morals but he blocked his feedback from view.
Too much trouble for a lousy $50 on a decent laptop and full accessories. I'd
rather deal with people I know and even trade in many cases. That way someone
that appreciates good equipment gets it rather than a bonehead teenager that
thinks he can buy a Pentium notebook for $50 (that isn't stolen anyway).
Enough ranting, back to the oldies but goodies.
Received on Mon Oct 19 1998 - 14:34:49 BST