I've never seen any other pc that used these 128k (64k dip dram
piggy-backed) chips. Regarding the numbers of the chips, they were
standard 64k dip drams, the IBM part number is long lost on me.
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Subject: IBM AT Piggyback Memory
Author: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 10/19/98 4:22 PM
In rummage through the dark recesses of my garage (too densly packed to let
in light) I again ran across an IBM AT motherboard that used the piggyback
memory chips. Were there any other computers that used these things? Also,
does anyone know the numbers of the two chips that were soldered together?
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From: Marvin <marvin_at_rain.org>
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Subject: IBM AT Piggyback Memory
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