Hello Again

From: Philip.Belben_at_PowerTech.co.uk <(Philip.Belben_at_PowerTech.co.uk)>
Date: Thu Oct 22 12:15:57 1998

Well, I'm back. And what a long time it took. Two weeks in the USA,
seeing California and attending the VCF; nearly a week in bed with food
poisoning after the flight home; and two weeks on this bl**** awful new
e-mail software at work before I could get it to behave well enough to
trust it with the volume of mail Classiccmp provides. (We're using Lotus
Notes, BTW. Most of us now call it Lotus Not.)

I really just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoyed the VCF. Well done Sam, a
wonderful effort.

In a recent telephone conversation with Tony Duell, he mentioned that
someone (was it Kevan?) was thinking of doing a VCF in the UK. To that
person: I am definitely prepared to support you. I can provide plenty of
computers for exhibiting; I can talk on some suitable subject; I am
prepared to chip in a fair amount of dosh to get this show on the road.

Looking forward to a lot of fun again reading Classiccmp,


<><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Philip Belben <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
      Bloedem Volke unverstaendlich treiben wir des Lebens Spiel.
      Grade das, was unabwendlich fruchtet unserm Spott als Ziel.
      Magst es Kinder-Rache nennen an des Daseins tiefem Ernst;
      Wirst das Leben besser kennen, wenn du uns verstehen lernst.

Poem by Christian Morgenstern - Message by Philip.Belben_at_powertech.co.uk
Received on Thu Oct 22 1998 - 12:15:57 BST

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