64bit data 128Bit address...Re: Building a Z-80 (64bit!!!)

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Thu Oct 22 17:39:04 1998

< As for the suggestion of using a DEC alpha to emulate a Z-80... I thoug
< about it but, those darned Alphas are way too expensive for us hobbist

Some of the early slow ones (under 200mhz) are in the used market for
under a couple hundred. The other approches witll cost that much or more
for superfast memory.

< Tell me more... what are Verilog, Xilinx or Altera?

FPGA, Field programable gate arrays. The fast ones are down in the
2.5ns range per gate.

< Anyone know if Zilog is going to beef up the Zx80 line????

The z380 series is that. There is already a z382.

Received on Thu Oct 22 1998 - 17:39:04 BST

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