64bit data 128Bit address...Re: Building a Z-80 (64bit!!!)

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Thu Oct 22 18:54:44 1998

Arfon Gryffydd <ArfonRG_at_DIEspammerSCUM.Texas.Net> wrote:
> It is good design in my opinion to have your address bus twice as wide as
> your data bus.

Why? What is the basis for your opinion? Surely you must have some
justification in order to make such a sweeping statement.

The address and data bus widths are independent parameters. There are
current RISC processors with 256-bit data busses. By your reasoning they
should have 512-bit address busses. IIRC, 8 (byte width) * 2^512 is more
than the number of atoms in the universe, IIRC. How can it possibly be
worthwhile to have that large an addressing range?

You've succeeded in convincing me that this whole discussion is just a
Received on Thu Oct 22 1998 - 18:54:44 BST

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