Hey folks! I got this from the Heath reflector I am subscribed to. I
already have an H8 that I built back in '83 so one of you should get it. I
believe the SS-9000 Ron refers to is a Heathkit communications receiver
(shortwave rcvr.) which can be controlled by computer. Have to check my old
Heathkit catalog file on this.
Email Ron directly.
>Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 14:49:43 -0400
>Reply-To: Ronald Oxley <rtoxl_at_ANDREWS.EDU>
>Sender: Heathkit Owners and Collectors List <HEATH_at_LISTSERV.TEMPE.GOV>
>From: Ronald Oxley <rtoxl_at_ANDREWS.EDU>
>Subject: H8 computer
>Comments: cc: heathkit_at_qth.net
>X-UIDL: 9c2d5417934b901b38c6fc24968d3523
>For Sale:
>Heathkit H8 computer system. Includes computer, disk drive, terminal,
>printer and software. Included with software is program for controlling
>SS-9000 transceiver. Make offer if interested.
>Ron, WM8Z
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Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Thu Oct 22 1998 - 20:48:25 BST