Starting from Scratch (was Re: OT: Modern college educa

From: D. Peschel <>
Date: Fri Oct 23 08:40:12 1998

> Ah! I misunderstood. That's a cool idea. There is an open source
> version of Civilization floating around. Perhaps that could be
> adapted, not that we couldn't steal a start from somewhere else...
> My Lord Hammurabi, I beg to report to you that this year we
> have produced 1,000 transistors and 400 rallods of copper
> wire.
> How much copper do you want smelt this year?

I don't know about that -- it would make the game rather difficult.

        Rats have eaten 320 transistors.

        Do you want to buy or sell stock?

Or maybe that should be:

        Surplus shops have taken 215 transistors.

        Do you want to buy or sell source code?

-- Derek
Received on Fri Oct 23 1998 - 08:40:12 BST

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