Why do some of us collect old computers ?

From: John Rollins <rexstout_at_uswest.net>
Date: Sat Oct 24 01:08:19 1998

> Why do some of us want to collect these old computers. ??

Because they're fun! It's an adventure! You never know what will happen next
with an old computer... A bad diode here, a dried out capacitor there, a bit
of caffeine saturated beverage in a few spots over there... And don't forget
static electricity! The single most fun thing that ever happens to
semiconductors. As for me personally, me computer collection is growing
SMALLER. I've sold off various computers over time, and am on my way to
getting some new radios. A bit of a side effect of being a ham, it's a hard
decision between radios and computers. I've chosen radios at the moment, but
computers are still high on the list. Some of those computers I wish I hadn't
sold, some I didn't really care about(mostly PC stuff). Perhaps when reality
finds me and gives me a good hard whack on the head I'll finally go get a job
and eventually be able to afford both(not likely for a while... how many
Pentium based UNIX workstations can one afford when cleaning floors at
McDonalds?). Assuming I get around to the radio/computer industry(that's what
I would prefer, but life sucks, which is why we don't all have an Altair
8800). Enough rambling for now, I'll go wait for the whack.

| http://members.tripod.com/~jrollins/index.html - Computers |
| http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/1681/ - Star Trek |
| orham_at_qth.net list admin KD7BCY |
| ham-mac_at_qth.net Portland, OR |
Received on Sat Oct 24 1998 - 01:08:19 BST

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