Tony Duell wrote:
> >
> > Anyone know how many of the TRS-80 model I computers were made without the
> > numeric keypad? I remember a discussion a year or so ago where someone in
> I can't give exact numbers, but I would think quite a few.
> Originally, all model 1's didn't have the keypad. Later one (at least in
> the UK), if you bought a new machine with 16K RAM (whether Level 1 or
> Level 2), then it came with the keypad. 4K machines did not.
> If you upgraded to 16K RAM (and had it done by Radio Shack), then you
> didn't get the keypad. The keypad was a separate upgrade that could be
> fitted to any Model 1 (including 4K machines).
> My Model 1 was bought as a 4K L1 machine. It was then upgraded to 16K L2,
> but I never had the keypad. I've subsequently obtained a 16K L2 machine
> with a keypad.
> There are many varients of Model 1 (Different logic board versions,
> different ROM versions, different monitors, etc), and the keypad is
> hardly the defining property of the first version.
Configurations from the factory varied over the 3.5 years the Mod I
was sold. I don't have a list of stock numbers (many dead brain
cells ago I could have quoted just about every 26-xxxx series stock
number and its product in numeric or introduction order along with
the price at introduction and the price at closeout).
4k LI Never, and it wouldn't have worked
4k LII I've heard rumors, never seen an example, doubt it.
It would have worked, but there'd be no profit to the
user or the company. In the case of the Mod III, a
whole new ball game is in place.
16k LI Never, see 4kLI
16k LII Here's where all of the variation came in.The original
Mod I didn't have a keypad. It was (IIRC) well over a
year before it was offered. The last batch on the
other hand all had them from the factory, it had
become cheaper due to the ALPS contract (when the
pebbled keys showed up in place of the smooth keys).
The lower-case mod was always an add-on to the Mod I. As far as I
know, there were only three logic board versions, one version of the
Level I BASIC ROM for the Mod I and two versions of the Level II ROM
(for the Mod I).
Now in the case of the Model II, things like internal variation can be
more fun to discuss -- but I'd have to get in touch with my ex-wife,
since she was the real hardware hacker on that series in her days as a
Tandy field servoid.
Ward Griffiths <> <>
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Received on Sun Oct 25 1998 - 21:21:27 GMT